Tuesday, November 26, 2019

No Grades? Tell me more!

Teaching Without Grades: A year of lesson's from a no grades classroom 

As a student AND future teacher this article spoke to me as I am living on both sides of this. In the article the author discusses how he does not enjoy grading students writing pieces because he realizes that the students care more about the grade than the actual piece they are writing. It makes you think, are we teaching students to get good grades or are we teaching them material and skills? It seems like grades have always been of utmost importance, and I can speak from experience that I often remember my grades on work than the actual work I did. I have had several writing courses that I really enjoyed the process. To me, writing is something that makes me feel vulnerable because I really have to open up a part of me that I dont access all the time. So when I feel I have opened up and then got a grade that did not reflect the effort that I put into it, it is more than disappointing.

Image result for teaching without grades"I think having students self assess is very important in the learning process. This keeps the students engaged and accountable for their own education.It forces students not only remark on what they still need to work on, but also to point out their strengths. As a student I have difficulty pointing out my own strengths but my weaknesses are much easier for me to point out. We tend to be hard on ourselves, but its important that we recognize we have strengths and they matter.

I am not surprised that some students liked no grades and that some were not as thrilled. Some of the students said it helped them focus more on the work and not the grade, and others said not having the visual of their grade caused them to slack off a bit. That was reflected in the teachers feedback- as some students handed in late work often once this method was implemented in the classroom.

As a teacher I do not know if this is a method I would use. I would most likely discuss it with my students and possibly have a class vote to see if it was something we should try. Just from this article you can see the amount of work that goes into not using grades. So my question is would it pay off to not grade or would it end up making my job even more difficult?
Image result for no grades comic"

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Teaching with Tradebooks Experience

I have to make a Book Trailer?!

This was my first thought when I saw this assignment, I can't lie and say I wasn't intimidated...at first. Once I got my book and began the book trailer it was surprisingly much easier than I thought it would be, all thanks to the great digital resources that Dr. Smirnova provided for us. I chose Animoto as my platform and I had a lot of fun making mine. At first I was thinking there is NO way I am using my voice in this thing, but I ended up doing 2 voiceovers! I really got into creating this book trailer, even though I had been dreading it for quite some time.

I did feel a little limited when searching for books that related to my Unit Plan topic, the 5 senses. I realized that I was looking at  it the wrong way, I was so set on fiding a book that was specifically about the senses that I was overlooking the wonderful books that involved the senses without ONLY being about them. This opened up a new door of options for me and made it a more enjoyable experience.

After completing my trailer for Farley Follows His Nose I began thinking about the ways I could use this in my classroom one day. Obviously I could use it in a 5 senses unit since I have already done that; but there are other ways to use it. In the book the dog,  Farley, smells alot of delicious food and uses descriptive words when describing them. It could be a great book to teach new vocabulary, or to make a word wall with the words we come up with to describe certain smells. There could be a scavenger hunt where the students walk around finding items that could fit the described scent (i.e:  food from cafeteria, scented soap, scented markers, lotions.)
Although I grew up with computers and technology, I still get intimidated when it comes to using technology for a project from start to finish. Thanks to sites like Animoto or Powtoon for example, It makes the whole process much less daunting. It guides you step by step which is SO helpful! I wouldn't say that I am anti- tech, but I would admit that I can be tech-hesitant. This class has pushed me out of my comfort zone for many assignements and I am grateful for that. I am grateful for that and I am proud of the work I have done that I normally would have done in a different, probably more boring way!

Take a look at my finished project here:
My Book Trailer!