We presented our infographic posters to eachother- an activity that went along with our Scientific method/ Inquiry Hyperdoc. I was caught off guard by this but I learned alot after being put on the spot. These moments when we have to present and may not be prepared to do so are the time when we learn the most in my opinion. I realized that I do not need to doubt myself so much, I was nervous because I did not think I was knowledgeable enough on the topic but I was wrong! Not only did I learn about the topics from my colleagues but I was also able to take note of how they present, how they speak, the way they stand etc. I was out of my comfort zone for sure during this presentation, but that is how we grow.
I enjoyed this approach more than sitting through a lecture. I feel many times in the classroom, we listen to HOW to do something and we are really just waiting to DO it. After all we are in this program because we want to TEACH so at some point we will have to be totally comfortable presenting information to young inquiring minds. It was all good practice!

ReplyDeleteI hate to admit it, but I am not a fan of flipped learning. I think it is a good method to implement for certain content areas and subjects, but I dont think it should be used all the time. I firmly believe that teachers are suppose to teach. I dont want to teach myself the material, thats not my job. I like that students can explore the concept at their own pace, but again, this method should not be used as a replacement to direct instruction. I personally learn more when I have someone to guide me. If you make me learn by myself, I am not learning.