Technology is an integral part of teaching in the classroom, our access to technology opens the door to so many different types of learning experiences that can be customized for each and every learner.
I liked the use of overdrive in this video. Times have changed and it is important that we keep up with the newest technology to benefit ourselves and our students. This program provides students an opportunity to become strong readers by exploring and engaging in the program. It also provides students easy access to books they like which are available right on the computer screen for easy access. There is still something nice about reading an actual book, I dont think reading on a computer screen all the time is a good thing, but in moderation it is okay.
Chapter 8- eText Video:
The Potential of Technology in Teaching Science to Students
What I take away from this video is that we need to accept and embrace technology because at some point it will be the primary way of learning and we need to be prepared for that.
Brief Summary of Websites:
US Geological Survey- has information about natural hazards that are threats to human life, animal/plantlife, and our environment
Worldwide Telescope- gives you an opportunity to look at the earth and all the planets up close.
GLOBE- A science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process.
NSTA Freebies for Science Teachers- This website has many science books and resources for teachers and resources such as lessons, videos, kits, and publications to choose from and implement in your classrooms
ViewPure-shows you how to use youtube without ads so that it is kid and classroom friendly
Real or Fake?
GenoChoice: Create Your Own Genetically Healthy Child Online: I think its fake
Dog Island: Fake
Exploratorium: Real
Save the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus: Fake
Science Kids: Real
Chapter 9 eText Video
What I take away from this chapter is that when dealing with our diverse learners communication is important. There are several factors that affect how they learn whether its language, culture, religious beliefs etc. We need to take all of these into consideration so that they feel included and a part of all lessons even if there is a cultural barrier.
How you can I provide equal learning opportunities for diverse learners in your science classroom that will keep them active and engaged?
- Incorporate the use of manipulatives
- Hands on activities to build confidence
- peer tutoring
- keep parents involved- have parents night
- accomodation and modification for students with disabilities or impairments
- create an environment to enhance feelings of self worth
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